Monday, June 3, 2013

N.S.J Muslim Food @ Bukit Merah Central Food Centre

Bukit Merah Central Food Centre, Singapore Hawker Food

I have been nursing a craving for Indian mutton soup for a long time. Thus, I was really happy when I walked past N.S.J Muslim Food and saw a picture of Indian mutton soup on its signboard. Imagine my disappointment when the stall owner told me it is not available. Why, oh why is it so difficult to find Indian mutton soup in Singapore nowadays?

Anyway, I saw the words "Best Mee Goreng in Bukit Merah" on the signboard too. I decided to give the mee goreng (spicy fried noodles) a try instead. Singapore is a small country and Bukit Merah is a small town in Singapore so I guess it's not that hard to be the best there. 

The mee goreng ($3.50) tastes good at first because it is really spicy and I'm a spicy food lover. However, the heavy taste and greasiness got to me after I ate about 2/3 of it, and I was only able to finish the whole plate thanks to the crunchy and refreshing cucumbers. 

N.S.J Muslim Food: 

Blk 163 Bukit Merah Central, #02-25, Singapore 150163

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