Wednesday, July 10, 2013

老伴豆花 Lao Ban Soya Beancurd @ City Vibe Clementi

老伴豆花 Lao Ban Soya Beancurd has opened a few outlets in Singapore ever since there was a craze for it. Was happy that I managed to stumble upon the shop at City Vibe at Clementi. Wasn't expecting it to open at the location, but was glad that I do not have to queue for hours to buy it. 

Their soya beancurd comes in original (S$1.50) or almond flavour (S$2.00). I guess the reason why the shop gains its popularity is that it tastes more like a pudding rather than the conventional beadcurd that most Singaporeans are familiar with. This soya beancurd is soft and smooth and it tastes more like a pudding. It does not come with the sweet syrup but it tastes just as sweet and nice. A good dessert choice for me provided I do not have to queue for it. 

Singapore, Beancurd, Tau Huay
老伴豆花 Lao Ban Soya Beancurd - Original (S$1.50 each)

City Vibe Clementi
3151 Commonwealth Avenue West
Level 1

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